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Media 0 for listing Telekinesis Powers Object Placement and Launch Objects


Third Person Object manipulation and palcement

My aim was to give a project the capabilites of examining objects and building walls with any items you wanted to add but you will get so much more as I have added collision detection on moving the object so you can't pick up objects and push them though a wall. You can stand on the placed block but you can't pick up what you are standing on it. 3D rotation and forward and back offset to location. Tool tip provideds info but can be hidden with H. object can be places no physics so set in place or let go with physics or Thrown/launched. Using Left/Rigth mouse Mouse wheel and WASD as normal for moving. with tool tip support.

  •  Telekinesis folder two actors the pickup Actor place these in you world to be interacted with set up is Place actor add you static mesh (for best results the pivot of the mesh should be central) and select if you want physics on to start with and if this is more of a box or a sphear shape. and if you want to change the mass.
  • The second actor is called display model this is used when you are holding the object no need to change anything with this.
  • This system uses a actor component for most of the code with some addtion to the third person graph i have commented the code.
  • I have used a Blueprint interface to pass data to Pickup and Third person again comments in the Third person BP.
  •  Once next to a pick up tool tip will appear push E this will rotate and move player to the safe point to pick up object levitation will begain with effects visual and sound.
  • With no mouse buttons down you can if not intracting with object move about keeping th object relative to the player Space resets object orentation and mouse wheel will zoom spring arm. E will let go with physics enabled.
  •  With Left mouse down options change to rotate in X or Y axis and E will let go no physics so object will now be fixed in space.
  • With Right mosue down W/S object will move up down and A/D will rotate on Z Axis. E will Throw/Launch objects
  • All object can be picked up as many times as you like.
  • I am using High end PC but FPS was always well above 100

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format