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Media 0 for listing Whirl Panels



This plugin is demo collection, which can be used to know how to create custom panels with different layouts. At the moment it contains several custom panels:


This panel is very simple, it just arranges its children on the ellipse. RadiusA and RadiusB are ellipse radius params, both are expressed in half width and half height of available geometry. Angle is just angle offset for children arrangement…


This panel can be interesting because it actually build some positions in 3D space and after that use Focal projection to place them on plane. RadiusA and RadiusB are ellipse radius params, both are expressed in half width and half height of available geometry. Angle is just angle offset for children arrangement. Alpha and Betta are rotation angles in 3D space, that will be applied to ellipse before projection (for example, check spherical coords sys). FocusZ is z position of projection focus point (z axis is orthogonal to screen and pointing from screen to you). ProjectionZ is z position of screen to render projected image (z axis is orthogonal to screen and pointing from screen to you). DrawDebugEllipse is just a debug param, if it is checked debug ellipse will be drawn…


This panel is very simple, it just arranges its children on the spiral. Radius is start radius from the center of spiral, expressed in half distance (width and height depending on engle). Angle is just start angle. RadiusStep is value added to radius for each next child… AngleStep is value added to angle for each next child…


This panel controls children size and is placing them like card deck. StartIndex and ItemCount controls which subset of children is displayed. ItemSize defines children size. Direction gives opportunity to place deck Vertically, Horyzontally or in any direction on 2D. TargetIndex and TargetAlpha should be used to control animated switch from one value of StartIndex to another…


This widget can use one image brush and repeat it in the selected direction with auto fit to available geometry space. InverseOrder controls what item should be hidden by other - previous by next or next by previous. Direction controls direction in which tiling repeat pattern goes. Widget is working only in full stretching mode (horizontally and vertically) in the same manner as ScaleBox does…


Recently we have published plugin to quickly setup Input Combos for action games. Check it HERE



Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format