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Bílbilis was a pre-Roman and Roman city on the Iberian Peninsula located on the Bámbola hill, on the banks of the Jalón River, in the town of Huérmeda, a few kilometers from Calatayud (Zaragoza), a city that owes the name to it, since the inhabitants of Calatayud they are bilbilitans. In the third century, it appears in the Antonine Itinerary A-24 and in the Antonine Itinerary A-25 headed with the title of Alio itinere ab Emerita Cesaragustam 369, which means Another road from Mérida to Zaragoza, 369 miles, between the squares of Aquae Bilbilitanorum and Nertobriga (Tarraconense).

The indigenous Bílbilis was Celtiberian and must have been located on the heights of the Bámbola hill and part of San Paterno. Its inhabitants belonged to the group of Celtiberian tribes of Hispania Citerior known as the Lusones tribe, whose capital it was.

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